Did you know that every minute passes by there is a truck; a garbage truck throwing a huge pile of plastic into our ocean?
Plastic Pollution is one of the biggest problems under global problems. Nearly, almost 7 billion out of 9.2 billion tons of plastic has been produced by humans from the 1950s to 2017 have become plastic waste under landfills or ocean dumbs.
Fishes, seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals, and many other sea creatures can come across these man-made plastic dumbs in the oceans get entangled or worse eat the plastic debris which can cause them to suffocate, or starve (as they won’t be able to eat anything because of the plastic blockage) or even drown in their own home habitat
Not only marine animals get affected by this, but also animals like cows, birds, and many other domestic and non-domestic animals get affected by plastic waste!
Plastic in animals’ guts can lead to food indigestion and conclude their life with a very slow and painful death!
Plastic pollution has altered habitats and natural processes, which has led to negatively affected ecosystems’ ability to adapt to lighting climate changes. These climate changes, affect millions of people’s livelihoods, capabilities, food production, and social and health well-being.
Plastic waste until now has been affecting our ecosystem so badly that now in 2023 it is at a breaking point. Every few months when there is a season change, we humans always complain about how the climate and the weather are getting bad.
We always hear that our loved ones or ourselves are getting sick due to the bad weather. Some senior citizens struggle to keep themselves alive through bad weather. However, at times even their body gives up on the bad ecosystem we humans have only created.
Our government has now understood the requirement of controlling the plastic waste produced by us humans! We know it is impossible to stop using plastic together but there is a chance that our government sees to decrease the plastic pollution on our earth.
Government calls this chance EPR (Extended producer responsibility). EPR is a certification and registration made for all producers, importers, brand owners, and plastic waste processors. The government has made EPR for plastic waste mandatory for all the above entities.
This means the above entities are now responsible for recycling or seeing how it is decomposed without harming the ecosystem for all the plastics that they produce. The government aims at reducing the plastic dumbs in oceans or landfills helping and hoping to restore the ecosystem so we humans and other living organisms can prevail in long term.
To achieve the above goal government has made EPR for Plastic Waste mandatory for all the mentioned entities. Therefore, not having an EPR license for Plastic Waste can cause the above entities to lose a lot of business and they can face many penalties with huge environmental compensations.