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How EPR Registration and Aligned Duties Turn Simpler With Premium Consultation?

EPR Authorization is Not a Choice Anymore  The applicability of EPR on every category of environmental waste defined by CPCB is driving the country to manage ecological waste sustainably. Consequently, every handler of plastic, e-waste, battery, and Tyre waste needs EPR Registration from CPCB now. There lies the actual problem. Maximum businesses associated with waste … Continue reading How EPR Registration and Aligned Duties Turn Simpler With Premium Consultation?

How EPR Plans to Manage Used Oil Treatment in India?

EPR for Used Oil – The Need to Defeat Spent Lubrication Oil Pollution The CPCB has implemented various regulations earlier to combat environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, e-waste batteries and tyre waste in India. A few months back it has imposed EPR for used oil management to combat environmental pollution triggered from spent lubricant … Continue reading How EPR Plans to Manage Used Oil Treatment in India?

Recent CPCB Updates for Epr for Plastic Waste Compliances

EPR for Plastic Waste Compliances – The Basics The growing numbers of environmental waste generated from single-use plastics are a major problem in India. According to CPCB’s records– India produced 4,126,997 tons of Plastic Waste back in 2020-21. It’s the key reason forthe Central Pollution Control Board to introduce EPR for Plastic Waste Compliances for eco-friendly management of … Continue reading Recent CPCB Updates for Epr for Plastic Waste Compliances

Do You Know How Much Plastic Garbage Enters Ocean, every minute?

Plastic Pollution is one of the biggest problems under global problems. Nearly, almost 7 billion out of 9.2 billion tons of plastic produced by humans from the 1950s to 2017 have become plastic waste under landfills or ocean dumps. Fishes, seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals, and many other sea creatures can come across these man-made plastic dumbs in the … Continue reading Do You Know How Much Plastic Garbage Enters Ocean, every minute?

How Does ISI BIS Registration Mark Secure the Quality of Domestic Pressure Cookers?

Necessity of BIS Registration with ISI Mark on Domestic Pressure Cookers The Bureau of Indian Standards mandated a standard quality for rubber gaskets and other components used in domestic pressure cookers to prioritise safety measures. According to the BIS, mandating standard quality on domestic pressure cookers may defeat the incidents of pressure cooker bursting due … Continue reading How Does ISI BIS Registration Mark Secure the Quality of Domestic Pressure Cookers?

How Sustainable E Waste Recycling Technology is Redefining India’s Future?

Global E Waste Pollution – A Major Crisis The growing E-Waste pollution is one of the major reasons for contaminating this Planet. The CPCB has mandated EPR for E Waste guidelines in India to promote sustainable E Waste Management and combat irregular disposal and treatment of E Waste in the country. According to UN reports, the global population is responsible for generating … Continue reading How Sustainable E Waste Recycling Technology is Redefining India’s Future?

How Circular Economy Redefines Sustainable Waste Management in India?

Tackling Toxic Ecological Waste: Major Concern The growing environmental issues due to reckless disposal of electronic and plastic waste is a major crisis in India. According to CPCB, India generated 16,01,155.36 tons of E Waste for2021-22 Financial Year. It has generated 4,126,997 tons of plastic waste in 2020-21 Financial Year.  The EPR for e waste and plastic … Continue reading How Circular Economy Redefines Sustainable Waste Management in India?

Should CPCB Consider Biofuel under EPR for Used Oil in Future?

Honestly, it’s difficult to consider whether EPR for Used Oil will be applicable to Biofuels by CPCB or not in India. However, research claims that Biofuel is quite a reliable alternative to traditional fuel due to the following leverages shared below- Biofuels are an apt replacement of traditional fossil fuels Biofuels involve in processing organic … Continue reading Should CPCB Consider Biofuel under EPR for Used Oil in Future?